Interior Designer based in Vancouver BC.

JANUARY      (   Reflection   )
Through January,  I am still working from home, few attempts to cook and bake more often, keeping myself warm and dry, (proudly) surviving through the wet months of the year. I am definitely surviving the lack of sunshine so much better than last year.
January, again, went fast. Maybe as I expected.

As one of my New Year resolution, I want to keep a dedicated journal of my last 20s. I have been making lots of excuses and felt guilty that I never got to achieve it. Despite all the other goals that I have planned,  I really want to keep this a constant habit this year, so that I can look back to my thoughts and feelings that I was having.

Still in my end of 20s, sometimes I feel like I am still discovering myself. And I really value friends who seem to have established themselves even further and express themselves with confidence. Especially when I only realized that I have partially figured out ways to keeps myself more motivated and productive; by writing a list and planning during my focused time in the morning before work or on the weekend. Not having much interaction with friends and people around me, spending more time on my own, I find myself rather little difficult to be encouraged and inspired, to be more creative as to before. Though I still enjoy the quietness and having energy to focus on myself.

We have been slowing collecting materials we need for the new bed frame for a while now and beginning of this month, it has been finally initiated to be built.
The process of transition from drawing to real life is what I find always fascinating. The drawing that used to belong to us but being able to share ideas through drawings and causing countless questions and discussion is what I am most used to, but still the one I see my passion in it.

Recently, I have discovered a few videos on knitting that caught my attention. That weekend I was rushed to get myself a knitting needle set with a yarn, hoping that I can get through the tutorials and being able to knit a pair of socks for Alvin before the winter disappears, without any help from anyone. Now I am 3/4 on my first sock, simply started with a curiosity and interest, I was able to feel a sense of achievement and a moment of self-proud that I missed since University. Though I have to confess that I had to try really hard not letting the knitting occupy my headspace.

Digging old photos, a virtual travel back in time always makes me happy every time. I see the photos in different perspectives every time I look back at them. Photographs seem to beautify all the troubles and hassles that I might have had especially during my travel. But thinking back now, or maybe I have now changed; I don’t need to depend on photographs to filter the reality of my everyday anymore, but to cherish every day as if I am photographing everyday.

Though with lots of new updates with the pandemic, I am still not so convinced when it will be more comfortable to get a coffee and enjoy the weekend more freely with friends, I try to appreciate today which will never come back again in our lives. So January is now gone, I am excited to achieve another sets of small goals that I have planned for coming February and enjoy everyday even more!

PHOTOS     (    With Leica D-Lux Typ109   )
1 Early Morning in Auckland
2 Untitled
3 Bed frame project WIP
4 Bed frame project WIP
5 Bed frame project Completed
6 Home made Japanese sponge cake (*Photo taken by AK)